China’s BRI: From Regional balance to Global Challenge


  • Maheen Jamil Research Scholar, Department of Political Science, Gomal University, Pakistan Author



BRI, CPEC, Global competition, security challenges


Belt and Road Initiative is seen with greater skepticism in many countries. United States and India since the inception of the project have criticized and opposed the initiative. . This research is undertaken to explore print media coverage given to BRI in India, China & US. It strives to comprehend the factors which are being debated in Indian and American media blaming this initiative for promoting hostility in international affairs and how Chinese venture is damaging Indo-US interests regionally and globally by looking in to the rhetoric adopted by American and Indian newspapers. The researcher used Indian and American newspapers editorial discourse about BRI and CPEC to understand their perception. After qualitatively analyzing the themes found in their newspapers discourse, it is comprehended that the primary reason for that opposition was their regional and global interests which are at stake due to this project. China with this initiative is not only asserting its self as a regional hegemon in Asia and changing balance of power equation in its favor to challenging U.S. global supremacy by consolidating its sphere of influence abroad, establishing a new world order to serve its interest and erode the one established and led by U.S. and its western allies.



How to Cite

China’s BRI: From Regional balance to Global Challenge. (2024). SOCIAL PRISM, 1(1), 1-20.